Saturday, February 16, 2013



1.1  Background of the Research
            English is a foreign language that is usually taught at school from elementary up to University levels. Learning English vocabulary is one of the components which supports other skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. English learners should know some words as a basis in learning a language. In learning a language, vocabulary is one of the language aspects that seem very important.
            The importance of learning vocabulary is also expressed by some linguists. Alkhufaishi (1996:42), for example, states that: “Vocabulary is one of the major problems in confronting the students of English foreign language program. They cannot actively communicate their ideas as clear they would like to and cannot read also grasp their ideas if they do not master sufficient levels of vocabulary.
            Vocabulary as one of the language aspects have to be learned when people are learning a language. Good mastery of vocabulary is important for anyone who learns the language used in listening, speaking, writing, and reading besides grammar. A learner of the foreign language will speak fluently and accurately, write easily, or understand what he or she reads or hears if he or she has enough vocabulary and has a capability of using it accurately. Burton (1982: 98) says “without a large vocabulary, it is impossible to use English language precisely and vividly”. According to Collier (1971:1), “when a student has mastered the fundamental grammatical patterns of language, his next task is to master its vocabulary, or at least that of its vocabulary that he needs“.
            Mastering English is not easy. It takes years to refine, extend and develop linguistic habits either in the mother tongue or in the second language proficiency. It is never achieved in the six years of elementary school. Therefore, teaching English to elementary students has been considered important in recent years. Teaching English in elementary school is not the same as teaching English to adult students. They are very much different. The teachers who are involved in teaching learning process in to elementary student’s classes have to adapt appropriate techniques and methods to accommodate the need and motivations of the elementary students.
            Young students get bored very easily in learning process as it is said by Gnoinska: 
Many students consider learning vocabulary a tedious job. They try studying lists of words, with their spelling, pronunciation, meaning, synonyms, etc. only to realize a few hours later that their results are hardly satisfactory. They start blaming their poor memories. They say they are discouraged by the number of words in English and their complex usage. They come to rely on incidental learning, finding intentional studying boring and inefficient. Some authors writing about human motivation seem to support such students’ opinions (Spaulding 1992). They say that learning words is a task which cannot possibly be intrinsically motivating. Teachers, however, keep looking for ways to substitute rote repetition with more effective techniques and to make learning vocabulary easier and more pleasant. They develop various mnemonic strategies employing action, music, drawing and fantasy. With this idea in mind, I also set out to conduct classroom research looking not so much for scientifically significant data but for practical ways to make classes more lively and help students acquire English vocabulary.

            In relevance with the problems described above, the writer also found the same problems at the first year students of MTsS Nisam where the students in the school were very less motivated in English learning and they were very easily got bored and even some of them fell asleep during English class which made them lack of vocabulary. These problems are presented based on the writer’s preliminary study before writing this proposal.        
            Basically, learning is one of the primary activities of students in the classroom. Successful learning is only on the right way to lead the process. Good learning atmosphere and method can guide the students to learn more and meaningfully. To deal with such the conditions, English teachers must create varitype and attractive methods for the class about what they should do if their students get bored easily in learning process.
            There are many ways of making learning process attractive. One of them is through games. Using varitype games can be an alternative solution to handle many problems. Games, as a matter of fact, can help and encourage students to sustain their interest and work (Dynne, 2001:77).
            One of the game
            Finally, the writer concludes that teaching-learning English vocabulary is a hard task, but there is always way out to any kind of problem. In this case that teaching vocabulary by using games has an importance role for elementary teachers and students. The first, as students, they have strong and good motivation to deepen English language. The second, they are easy to accept the English language because they learn by playing games that nowadays has been grown and developed in Indonesia. The third, teaching English vocabulary using games can help teacher in teaching learning process.

1.2  The Problem of the Research
            The problems of this research are in the following:
1.      Can “Animal Quiz’ game improve the students’ vocabulary?
2.      Can the “Animal Quiz” game motivate the students in learning English?
3.      What are the advantages of using “Animal Quiz’ game in teaching and learning English vocabulary?

1.3  The Purpose of the Research
            The purposes of the research are bellow:
1.      To find out if “Animal Quiz’ game can improve the students’ vocabulary.
2.      What are the advantages of using “Animal Quiz’ game in teaching and learning English vocabulary
3.      To research if “Animal Quiz’ game can motivate the students in learning English.

1.4  The Significance of the Research
            Hopefully the research will be useful in many ways. First, practically, this research can improve the students’ vocabulary. Second, practically it can be used as a model to improve the students’ vocabulary and it may guide, help and encourage the students during English class. Third, theoritically the finding of the research will be a good educational contribution to the school in teaching and learning English. And last, theorically, the result of this research is useful either for the writer or others.

1.5 The Scope of the Research
            Since the range of vocabulary is very broad including all part of speech, the research will be focused on Verb to be like is am are and etc because verb to be is the most common words used by people speaking English.

1.6 The Definition of key terms
1.      “Improving is changing thing to be better or perfect by effort”. (Winston Churchill,, in this case, it means that the writer want to research if using “the Jakarta post “ newspaper in teaching and learning can improve the students’ ability in mastering English vocabulary.
2.      Vocabulary is a list of words and sometime phrase usually arranged in alphabetical other and define, etc (Noah Webster, 1997:2046).According to oxford leaner’s pocket dictionary (2003:482), vocabulary is all the words that a person knows or uses; all the words in language; and all the words with their meanings, especial in a book for learning a foreign language.
3.      “Animal Quiz” is the name of game which is widely used in teaching English to Elementary students (Granger 1998:43).    
4.      Classroom Action Research is a form of reflective research that is conducted by teacher which its result can be used as a tool to improve the teaching and learning (Asrori, 2008:4).

1.7 The Review of the Related Literature
            In this part of the thesis proposal, the writer explains some of the variables that lie in this thesis proposal as the theorical consideration of the research.
1.71 The Definition of Vocabulary
            Vocabulary, as one of important language aspect, needs to be mastered by language learner in order to enable to communicate or to express their ideas, feeling, and thoughts fluently in oral form lack or insufficiency of one’s vocabulary may cause miscommunication.
           Definition of vocabulary can be found from many references Webster states (1977:2046) “Vocabulary is all the words recognized and understood by a particular person, although not necessarily used by him. It is a list of words and sometime phrases usually arranged in alphabetical order”. Collins and Brash (1983:1315) defines “Vocabulary as a listing, either selective or exhaustive, containing the words and phrases of a language with meaning or translation into another language”. Those definitions suggest that vocabulary is words and phrase of a language, and in this case is English.
            According to Norbert Schmitt (1987:5) defines “Vocabulary is a basic of a language; it is very important to be mastered first”. We cannot speak well and understand written materials if we do not master it. Norbert Schmitt (1987:1177) states that: no matter how successfully the sound of the foreign language is mastered, without words to express the wider range of meanings. Communication in a foreign language just cannot happen in any meaningful way.
            According to Collier (1971:1) when a student has mastered the fundamental grammatical patterns of language, his next task is to master its vocabulary, or at least that of its vocabulary that he need. It is obvious that vocabulary is very important in learning a language, especially English, because the English vocabulary is extremely large and varies as well. Therefore, it is highly essential for English teachers to help their students in mastering vocabulary.

1.7.2 The Importance of Vocabulary
           In mastering a language, vocabulary, as one of language aspects, is very important to be built. The students will faced a lot of problems and difficulties in developing the language skills if they do not have enough vocabulary. Brown, James L (1956: 125) “If you are short of word you may also be short on ideas. This will handicap you in school or college, on the job, at home or elsewhere but if you now many words, you are likely to have a wealth or ideas. You are better able to understand what you read or hear. You are better able to express yourself when you talk or write”.  Conversely it would be impossible for one who does not have enough vocabulary to communicate his ideas as clearly as he would like to by using the language either in oral or written.
Concerning this Krashen and Terrell (1983:136) say: “Vocabulary is also important for acquisition process. We acquire morphology and syntax because we understand the meaning utterances. Thus acquisition depends crucially on the input being comprehension. Comprehensibility is dependent directly on the ability to recognize the meaning of the key elements in utterance. Thus acquisition will not take place without comprehension of vocabulary”.

1.7.3 The Characteristic of Children as Learners

            Slattery and Willis (2001:56) describe the characteristic of children as learners:
a.    They are developing quickly as individuals; it means that they have difference in language acquisition.
b.    Learn in a variety of ways, for example; by watching, by listening, by imitating and by doing things. It means children learn their knowledge through what they see, heard in their surrounding and then imitate it and imitating by doing things (children learn by doing).
c.    Are not able to understand grammatical rules and explanations about language. Children are not understanding about the rule of language, they only imitate what they are seeing and hearing.
d.   Try to make sense of situations by making use of non-verbal clues. Children will do imitate, it means learning by doing.
e.    Talk in their mother tongue about they understand and do this helps them learn. It means they use their mother tongue to understand everything. 
f.     Can generally imitate the sounds they hear quite accurately and copy the way adults speak. It means they do imitation, memorization, practice and over learning, what the people are said.
g.    Are naturally curious. They have strong willingness to know what they see and hear in their surroundings.
h.    Love to play and use their imagination. It means they are learning while playing.
i.      Are comfortable with routines and enjoy repetition. It means they need habit to learn.
j.      Have quite a short attention span and need variety. Because they are learning while playing, it is needed many ways to make them understand what the teacher means

1.7.4 Teaching English Vocabulary-Using Games
            Language learning is hard work. Effort is required at every moment and must be maintained over a long period. Games help and encourage many learners to sustain their interest and work. Games also help the teacher to create contexts in which the language is useful and meaningful. The learners want to take part and in order to do so must understand what others are saying or have written, and they must speak or write in order to express their own point of view or give information (Dynne, 2001:78).
            The need for meaningfulness in language learning has been accepted for some years. A useful interpretation of meaningfulness is that the learners respond to the content in a definite way. If they are amused, angered, intrigued or surprised the content is clearly meaningful to them. Thus, the meaning of the language they listen to, read, speak and write will be more vividly experienced and, therefore, better remembered (Dynne, 2001:78).
            There are many kinds of games which can be used in teaching English. Of course, as a technique games need help from media. The media can be picture, flash cards, object, puppet, cassette, projector and many others object surround them. It is better if the games are familiar for children, because they learn in a variety of ways, for example; by watching, by listening, by imitating and by doing things. It means children learn their knowledge through what they see, heard in their surrounding and then imitate it and imitating by doing things (children learn by doing) (Dynne, 2001:80).

1.8 The Research of the Methodology.
            The methodology of this research will be undertaken based on the following details below.

1.8.1 The Design of the Research. 
            The design of the study is Collaborative Classroom Action Research. As it explained by Asrory, (2008:45) that Collaborative Classroom Action Research is kind of a Classroom Action Therefore, in this research the writer together with the assistance of another related teacher and the principal of the school will do the research in team work. The writer adds that they will be very pleasant and supportive helping the writer in doing this research.      

1.8.2 The Setting and the Subject of the Research

            The research will be done one in SD N 1 Peudada. The Subject of the research is the sixth year students of the school.  The number of the students in the class is 25 students. The students are taken as the subject of the study because the students are lack of vocabulary.

1.8.3 The Instrument in Collecting Data
            In this research, the writer will collect the data through the following instruments below:
-          Pretest, it is used to identify the problem as the basic knowledge to do the research.
-          Posttest, it is used to measure the development of the student achievement in mastering grammar based on the criteria success made by the writer and the collaborators.
-          Observation Checklist Forms, it is used to obtain information on how the practitioner implement the prepared planning and procedures, especially to find information whether the assessment instruments prepared could be used as well as possible. It is also used to gather data about the students’ activity during the teaching learning process.
-          Interview Guide Forms, it is used  to draw comprehensive information from the teacher about the problems found when implementing the procedure developed, whether the developed procedure is applicable in teaching English at the School, and to find the advantages and the disadvantages of this new assessment strategy
-          Field Note., it is used as a mean of recording facts which can’t be put in the observation forms.
1.8.4 The Procedure of the Research
            Action research is done through many repeated cycles and there are at least two cycles in action research. Each cycle consists of four steps; planning, action, observation and reflection (Asrory, 2008:90). The activities that will be done in each step of the cycles will be based on Stephen Kemmis dan Robin Mc Taggert guidance in (Arikunto, 2005:54). The activities are described in the following:
1.    Planning
In this step the team will prepare everything for the completion of the action in the class like completing modeling session, designing a lesson plan, verifying the schedule, and etc.   
2.     Action
In this step, the team will choose a proper teacher to do the action which has been prepared by the team the planning step.
3.    Observation
In this step, the writer will observe students’ motivation and behavior, the classroom atmosphere, the advantageous of applying the proposed technique in teaching vocabulary during action process.
4.     Reflection
In this step, the writer together with the team will reflect on the effects of the above steps as a basis for further planning, subsequent action and so on, through a succession of cycles.
The writer also provides a figure which explains the procedure of action research. It is as the following below:

1.8.5 The Data Analysis
            Typically in Classroom Action Research, data is analyzed qualitatively. It means that all the data gathered from the observations are analyzed descriptively. Analyzing data is conducted in each cycle.

1.8.6   The Schedule of the Research.
            The research will be completed in four months and commenced immediately after this thesis proposal approved by the head of English Department of Al Muslim University.


Alkhufaishi, Adil. 1996. A Vocabulary Building Program is Necessary not a          Luxury. London:         English Teaching Forum.

Asrori, Muhammad. 2008. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Bandung, CV Wacana Prima.
Brown, James L. 1956. “Efficient Reading”, New York: Regent Publishing             Company.

Collins. 1983. Nw Collins International Dictionary of the English Language.        

Collier, 1971. “The Key to English Vocabulary, London: Collier Macmillan Limited,

Cameron Dynne, 2001 “Teaching Language to Young Learners” Berlin: Cambridge          University Press

Gnoinska Anna Teaching vocabulary in color Vol 36 No 3, July - September 1998,            p.12

Granger Colin & Plumb Jhon, 1993. “Play Game with English” Oxford: Atheneum           Press Ltd.

Norbert Schmitt. 1987. Longman, Dictionary of Contemporary English, Second

Oxford University Press. 2005. Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary, 3th edt.         Oxford.

S. H. Burton, 1982. “Mastering English Language,” London: The Macmillan Press            Ltd,

Stephen D Krashen and Terral D.Tray. 1983. The Natural Approach Language
Acquisition Classroom. New York, Alamany Press.


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